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HOT - UCC Youth Skilling Program

House of Talent Uganda thrives on creating work that brings people together, united by the power of human connection. We harness creativity, technology, and culture to create connected brands that drive value for our clients and impact the world.

Program Phases

An initial fact-finding tour of the districts to provide primary data on the level of ICT and Multimedia skills and practice available among the youth....

The data that is gathered is going to be the baseline for the processes that follow. These will work in a variety of ways. This process can be looked at as....

The field trip, data-gathering during that trip, the data analysis and setting of parameters, will have delivered sufficient material to commence the training....

This phase begins the moment the trainees depart for each of the districts. It marks the initiation of a comprehensive overview of the entire program, facilitating a deeper understanding....


HOT – UCC Youth Skilling program for different constituents not only aims to enhance productivity and efficiency while increasing the creation of relevant local content online, by driving increased adoption and usage of ICTs by all demographics and making them relevant as sources of information and knowledge, the program also contributes to the achievement of SDG 1-ending poverty by improving digital skills for employability, SDG 4, which promotes inclusive and equitable access to quality education and promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The development of digital skills among youths can be challenging, but to improve youths’ employment there is a need for the development of digital skills, such as ICT skills. This program, therefore, aims at improving ICT skills for the youth that can be used for the sustainable development of their employability. The implementation of digital skills training among youths can enforce their knowledge of computerisation required in the labour market.


Expected outcome of the program

The youth skilling program aims to equip participants with essential digital skills for success in today’s dynamic landscape through hands-on training and collaboration. At the end of the program, we should expect:


The HOT-UCC ICT and Multimedia training is expected to have a significant impact on the ICT sector, including growth in smartphone penetration, growth in broadband traffic, increased contribution to GDP, driving innovation of new products and services, contributing to changes in the cost of ICTs, increasing efficiency in public service delivery, and improving access and use of e-government services. These impacts will help to promote sustainable development and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to quality education (SDG 4), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9), and peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16).

Districts covered

Western Uganda

South Western

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